Repairs And

Repair/Upgrade Services

The free-spin or motorized parts of your WindupKey can be replaced or upgraded depending on the design series you have. If not sure of which one, send an email message asking for confirmation of what is possible for your particular key. Please include the build number which is inside the key or marked on the base.

Current Motion
Desired Motion
Free-Spinning Replacement Free-Spinning Assembly
Free-Spinning Upgrade to Series-9 Motorized Version
Motorized, pre-Series-9 Upgrade to Series-9 Motorized Version
Motorized, Series-9 Replacement Gear Motor Only

Prices include shipping by USPS Priority Mail to all 50 US States. Shipment to other countries will be quoted upon request. NOTE: for some older units, I may not have specific dimensions on record and the original drive assembly must be returned at your cost before new unit can be made.

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Revised: 7/12/09